On Monday the 16th, we will have a webinar on the interconnectedness of climate and tax justice from 12:00-13:00 UTC. Throughout the day, we will also share on social media about the need to connect the climate and tax justice movements. 

Call to Action doc: english & español

Webinar link: https://bit.ly/taxjusticeday 

Organisations: GATJ, TJNA, RJFALC, Latindadd, Eurodad, APMDD, TAFJA, TJN, CESR, CAN International, RR

Country: Worldwide

Country/RegionOrganizationContact PersonContact DetailsActionPax
BéninAfrican Humanitarian and Developpement OrganisationSOKE Marcel ahdpobenin@gmail.comOnline event (webinar, virtual campaign launch etc)100
Central African Republic Young Volunter for environment SALABE SEREMA Fiacre Ursul fiacresalabe@gmail.comPeaceful march/demonstration150
Democratic Republic of CongoFemmes autochtones et communautés locales pour le développement durable et participatif, Facid Dorothée Lisengadorotelisenga@gmail.comIn-person community event50
Democratic Republic of CongoExtinction rebellion universités de GomaPascal MIRINDIpascal.mirindi19@gmail.comCreative or artistic action (theatre, painting etc)200
GhanaFriends of The Earth-GhanaGideon Akotogideonakoto@gmail.comOnline event (webinar, virtual campaign launch etc)500
Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Uganda,.MalawiAfrican Network of Youth Policy Experts Achieford Mhondera amhondera@afrinype.orgOnline event (webinar, virtual campaign launch etc)100
IndiaShanta Memorial Rehabilitation CentreReena Mohanty smrcbbsr@gmail.comCreative or artistic action (theatre, painting etc)200
JapanClimate Reality Project JapanYuiko Mitani japan@climatereality.comOnline event (webinar, virtual campaign launch etc)20
KenyaGood Health Community Programmes Kristine Yakhamakristineyakhama@gmail.comIn-person community event30
NigeriaCentre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research Omoyemen Lucia Odigie-emmanuelrightsandclimatechangeresearch@gmail.comIn-person community event150
NigeriaYouth4Change initiative Tanimola Jobjob8tanimola@gmail.comPeaceful march/demonstration50
Nigeria Society for Women and Youths Affairs (SWAYA)Amanie Stella amanie.stella@gmail.comIn-person community event20
SenegalAidons Les Plus Deminus du Senegal ALPDLalla Sankharesankelala@yahoo.frIn-person action (poster holding etc)13
Sierra LeoneEarth Guardians Sierra LeonesAMARA JONESjonesamara39@gmail.comIn-person community event100
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